FAQ’s (Fingerprint)


How long does it take?

It typically takes about 10 to 15 minutes from the time you are called, until all of your fingerprints have been captured.

Is it messy?

No. We use live scan technology to capture your fingerprints and then print the results onto a card which results in zero mess

What information do I need to have my fingerprint cards done?

You need a valid state or federally issued form of identification so we can prove your identity. A valid driver's license or passport is acceptable.


Do I need to bring any documentation to be fingerprinted?

Some agencies require an additional form to be completed by the fingerprint technician. Always make sure to bring everything provided to you by the requesting agency.

What payment do you accept?

We accept cash, check and Zelle.

How far back does an FBI background check go?

An FBI background check goes back for the entire applicant's lifetime.